At Power Center Physical Therapy & Fitness, our mission is to provide exceptional, progressive and cost effective rehabilitation services through personalized care that emphasizes functional independence for you.
This allows you to recover quickly and resume your normal activities faster than ever before.
Keep in mind that you don't pay us a dime unless we consider you to be a candidate for physical therapy. When we do, we will assist you to obtain reimbursement from your insurance provider and help you get a prescription from your doctor. You will get a professional caring physical therapist coaching you to be sure you're giving 100% and doing the exercise
properly and effectively.

Or, Just Call this Number:
(760) 245-8828
Don't be afraid to reach out for help anymore! Our physical therapists
WILL work closely to help you overcome pain and recover from injuries and muscle dysfunction.
... You Have Nothing To Lose, Except Pain and Discomfort!
Committed to your success,
P.S. Think about where you will be in 30 days - pain free, happier, healthier and stronger? Or will you still be a victim of procrastination yet again?
Click here to schedule your FREE consultation!